Bug Tracker Handbook

Wang, Chun-Pin (alex@alexwang.com)

Welcome to Bug Tracker! This document covers the installation and the daily use of Bug Tracker. You can download this document from http://www.twbsd.org.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1 What is Bug Tracker

1.2 Features

1.3 History of Bug Tracker

1.4 Who uses Bug Tracker

2. Installation

2.1 System requirements

2.2 Configure Bug Tracker

2.3 Setup the customer feedback system

2.4 Upgrade

3. Administrating Bug Tracker

3.1 Basic settings

3.2 Groups

3.3 Users

3.4 Feedback System

3.5 Customer management

3.6 Status Management

4. Using Bug Tracker

4.1 Project management

4.2 Report management

4.3 Feedback system

4.4 FAQ management

4.5 Document

4.6 Schedule

5. Advanced configuration

5.1 Send reminder email periodically

5.2 Localization

6. About


This document can be downloaded from http://www.twbsd.org

Copyright © 2004-2005 Wang, Chun-Pin
