Bug Tracker Handbook
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Chapter 4 Using Bug Tracker
Table of Contents
4.3 Feedback System
4.4 FAQ Management
4.5 Document
4.6 Schedule
Once you have done the system configuration and added uses and groups, you can start to add projects. Only the admin or groups that have the permission to add/edit project can do the project management.
Here are the instructions for each field on adding/editing project:
After entering the project list and selecting a project, you can start to add/edit/delete reports. In the project list page, you will see all reports in the project. Users can customize columns to display on their "preference" setting page.
A normal report life cycle will be:
The system will send an email notification to "Assign To", Area/Minor Area owners, and CC to "Auto Mailto" that is set in project management.
In the project report list, you can search, filter, and sort reports. You may also change the columns to display in the list by setting your preference in the [System] -> [Preference]. Clicking on the title bar of the list table allows you to sort reports by each column. You may switch the sort order by clicking on the title.
To search, just input the key word into the search input box. You may use "and", "or", "not" to perform advanced search. For example, if you would like to search report that contains "FTP" and "HTTP" but not including "HTTPS", you can input "FTP and HTTP not HTTPS". The key word search is case-insensitive. It will look into summary and report logs.
To use a filter, you have to add a new filter. The filter configuration is in [System] -> [Set Filter]. You can use filter, sort, and search at the same time.
When reporting bugs, users can attach files (screen shots, system logs, and so on). The maximum file size depends on your configuration of php.ini.
You can enable/disable the feedback system in [System] -> [Feedback System]. Please see chapter 3.4 for more information.
The customer feedback system can be completely separated from Bug Tracker. All you need to do is just move the "feedback_site" directory to anywhere you want. For example, if you are accessing the Bug Tracker by http://your.domain.com/bug, the feedback system is now in http://your.domain.com/bug/feedback_site. You can move the "feedback_site" directory to the same directory level like Bug Tracker and change the name to "feedback". Then you can access the feedback system by http://your.domain.com/feedback.
Further more, you can also move the directory to another server. For example, you can put the Bug Tracker into an internal network and put the feedback system onto an external web server. Make sure you have edited the feedback_site/include/config.php and set the proper database information.
The feedback system interface is pretty much like Bug Tracker, only we try to make it even simpler to use. Customers can create new, update, and search reports. After created a new report, you can see the report in Bug Tracker [Project List] -> [Project Name] -> [Customer Feedback]. You can update the feedback in Bug Tracker customer feedback management interface.
A classical feedback life cycle will be:
When a customer reports feedback, the system will send an email to the "Feedback Receiver" that you set for the project and a blind carbon copy to the "Auto Mailto" and a CC to the other users of the same company if the "Receive notification when associate reports" are turned on for the customer users.
After you update a customer's feedback, the system will send an email to the reporter and BCC, CC to the users described above. If you choose to import the feedback into the internal database, it will show an internal report form for you to input. After the feedback is imported, the system will create a link between them. When the internal report is closed, the system will close the external feedback, too.
There are two user management modes, anonymous and customer mode. You can disable or enable all of them. Under anonymous mode, users can register their account on the feedback system login page. Under customer mode, you would have to add customer user before they can use the Feedback System.
When a customer forgets his/her password, the system will send a new password to him/her. The new password will not be saved into real customer user database until login. If someone forges to request a password, the genuine user can still use old password to login and the new password will be dropped.
We will keep a system log of feedback system. You can check it at [Information] -> [Feedback System Log].
Every project has its own FAQ system. You can categorize FAQ. A FAQ can belong to many categories. A normal FAQ life cycle will be:
In order to perform the operation above, all related people should have the permission to manage FAQ. Un-verified FAQ will not be showed on feedback system.
The document system is designed to store internal documents, specifications, announcement, etc. You can categorize document by groups. You can deny users to access documents that do not belong to their group.
To see, create, update, or delete documents, users need have proper permissions. You can configure the document management permission on group management page.
You can use this function to manage your project schedule. Project team members can use the schedule to make plans, too. You can set the privilege on groups to allow users to see or edit schedule.
Only the system administrator or the schedule creator can modify or delete a schedule.
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