Bug Tracker Handbook

Using Bug Tracker

Chapter 5 Advanced Configuration

Table of Contents

5.1 Send reminder email periodically

5.2 Localization

5.1 Send reminder email periodically

When there are more and more bugs in the project, project developers might forget their assignment or bugs. If they don't visit Bug Tracker frequently and check for the bugs, they might miss bugs assigned to them and delay the project schedule.

You can configure Bug Tracker to send out reminders periodically to avoid this situation. By default, we will pick up all active bugs that have "very high" priority and send a reminder to the "assigned to"

If you are running Bug Tracker on UNIX platform, you can edit the /etc/crontab and add the following line to send reminder everyday:

5   4   *   *   *   root  /home/www/bug/crontab/mail_high_priority.php

The command above will execute /home/www/bug/crontab/mail_high_priority.php ervery night. You will have to change the path according to the directory of  Bug Tracker. This command requires PHP CLI command (So we can run PHP on command line rather than from website). If PHP CLI is not available on your system, you can change this command to "lynx -dump", which means using lynx to connect to the page mail_high_priority.php.

Please note that your should use PHP CLI or local browser to access the mail_high_priority.php. Remote access is not allowed.

5.2 Localization

Currently, the Bug Tracker only supports English, German, Italian, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, and Polish. However, you may add your own language, too. To localize your language, please copy the English string file and edit it. Notice that the string file is in UTF-8 format. You would have to open it with an editor that supports UTF-8. Such as EmEditor, Microsoft Word, UltraEdit 10. Please remember to save it as UTF-8, too.

We predefine the following languages in the Bug Tracker:

Language Abbreviation String file
Arabic ar setup/strings/string.ar
Chinese Traditional cht setup/strings/string.cht
Chinese Simplified chs setup/strings/string.chs
Czech cs setup/strings/string.cs
Danish da setup/strings/string.da
German de setup/strings/string.de
English en setup/strings/string.en
Spanish es setup/strings/string.es
Finnish fi setup/strings/string.fi
French fr setup/strings/string.fr
Hebrew he setup/strings/string.he
Icelandic is setup/strings/string.is
Italian it setup/strings/string.it
Japanese ja setup/strings/string.ja
Korean ko setup/strings/string.ko
Dutch nl setup/strings/string.nl
Norwegian no setup/strings/string.no
Polish pl setup/strings/string.pl
Portuguese pt setup/strings/string.pt
Russian ru setup/strings/string.ru
Swedish sv setup/strings/string.sv
Slovak sk setup/strings/string.sk
Thai th setup/strings/string.th
Ukrainian uk setup/strings/string.uk

If your language is in the table above, you just have to copy English string to your language string file and translate into your language.

If your language is not in the table, you would have to edit setup/string.php. Just look for the $lang_array and add your language:

/* To add your own string file: */
$lang_array = array("ar" => "Arabic",
	"cht" => "Chinese Traditional", 
	"chs" => "Chinese Simplified", 
	"cs" => "Czech",
	"da" => "Danish",
	"de" => "German",
	"en" => "English", 
	"es" => "Spanish", 
	"fi" => "Finnish",
	"fr" => "French", 
	"he" => "Hebrew",
	"is" => "Icelandic",
	"it" => "Italian",
	"ja" => "Japanese", 
	"ko" => "Korean",
	"nl" => "Dutch",
	"no" => "Norwegian",
	"pl" => "Polish", 
	"pt" => "Portuguese",
	"ru" => "Russian", 
	"sv" => "Swedish",
	"sk" => "Slovak",
	"th" => "Thai",
	"uk" => "Ukrainian"

For example, if you would like to add a string file for Japanese, just copy setup/string/string.en to setup/string/string.ja and translate into Japanese.

After finishing the translation, use your browser to connect to http://your.domain.com/bug/setup/string.php. You might have to change the URL according to the location of Bug Tracker.

That's all. You have a new language now. I would appreciate if you could send the translated language file to me. I will put it into native support.

Using Bug Tracker

This document can be downloaded from http://www.twbsd.org.
