Bug Tracker Handbook
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Chapter 2 Installation
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2.3 Setup the customer feedback system
2.4 Upgrade
PostgreSQL is recommended. It has better support on transaction. It is recommended to use PostgreSQL, 7.4.x or 8.0.x.
If you are using MySQL, 4.1.x is recommend (That's the only version I tested). You should compile MySQL to support UTF8 Character Set so we can get better result on sorting. If you need to upload files over 1 MB, besides the restriction on PHP (default is 2 MB), you would have to enlarge the communication packet of MySQL. A communication packet is a single SQL statement sent to the MySQL server. The default is 1 MB. You can increase this by adding the option --max_allowed_packet=16M when start mysqld.
It is very easy to setup Bug Tracker. Here are the steps:
After Un-tar the Bug Tracker to your web document root, you would have to edit the config.php before connecting to the setup wizard. Here is the include/config.php:
<? $GLOBALS['BR_dbserver'] = ""; // IP Address of database server $GLOBALS['BR_dbuser'] = "pgsql"; // User name to access the database $GLOBALS['BR_dbpwd'] = "password"; // Database password $GLOBALS['BR_dbname'] = "bugdb"; // Database name for bug tracker /* Real path of bug tracker project */ $GLOBALS["SYS_PROJECT_PATH"] = "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/bug"; /* The path of URL. If you have to connect to the Bug Tracker by *, you should input "/bug" here. */ $GLOBALS["SYS_URL_ROOT"] = "/bug"; ?> |
After editing the file above, you can use the browser to connect to the setup wizard setup/index.php by http://your.domain.com/bug/setup/index.php. Notice that the "/bug/setup/index.php" depends on your path of Bug Tracker.
Now you just have to follow the on-screen instructions to finish the installation. After finished, you can connect to Bug Tracker by http://your.domain.com/bug/index.php. The username of the administrator is "admin" and the default password is "admin", too. You can change the password after login.
That's all. It's easy, isn't it?
Notice: Once you have finished quick setup, please remove the "setup" directory unless you would like to add more localized language. To localize to your language, please refer to chapter 5.
2.3 Setup the customer feedback system
You can skip this chapter if you do not need a customer feedback interface. To setup a customer feedback system or anonymous feedback system, all you have to do is just edit the feedback_site/include/config.php to configure the database information. After that, you can connect to the feedback system by http://your.domain.com/bug/feedback_site/index.php. You can add new customers or just open for anonymous feedback. Please refer to chapter 4.3 for further information.
The feedback system can be completely separate from the Bug Tracker. You can move the "feedback_site" directory to another web server or another directory if you want. For example, you can move the "feedback_site" directory to the web document root and rename to "feedback". Then you can access the feedback system by http://your.domain.com/feedback/index.php.
If you are upgrading from older version, please follow these steps:
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